It really exists. I've heard about Hollywood and Santa Monica Blvd, and Bel Air, and 90210 and The OC. They're not just television fantasies. They really exist. It's nowhere near as glitzy though. Quite to the contrary, they have ugly people and crazy people and pretty people all the same. They have Satanists, and wiccans, and scientologists and Christians all over the place. Hollywood isn't as secular as I had stereotyped. It's chaulk full of all kinds of religions including Christianity. This morning the Satanist was explaining how the lady with the Tarot cards is probably demon possessed. My routine this past week has been some quiet slightly adventurous days exploring the mass transit system of LA, and the evenings have been filled with meeting just and insane number of Christian artists, actors, screenwriters, directors, musicians. There's groups all over the area for Christians in "The Industry". By the way, Mosaic church is really...