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Showing posts from February, 2006

Hollywood is real!

It really exists. I've heard about Hollywood and Santa Monica Blvd, and Bel Air, and 90210 and The OC. They're not just television fantasies. They really exist. It's nowhere near as glitzy though. Quite to the contrary, they have ugly people and crazy people and pretty people all the same. They have Satanists, and wiccans, and scientologists and Christians all over the place. Hollywood isn't as secular as I had stereotyped. It's chaulk full of all kinds of religions including Christianity. This morning the Satanist was explaining how the lady with the Tarot cards is probably demon possessed. My routine this past week has been some quiet slightly adventurous days exploring the mass transit system of LA, and the evenings have been filled with meeting just and insane number of Christian artists, actors, screenwriters, directors, musicians. There's groups all over the area for Christians in "The Industry". By the way, Mosaic church is really...

Headed to Acting Workshop on Saturday =)

I'm headed to Burbank, CA early Saturday morning to get ready for a month long acting for film workshop. I decided to go two weeks early and do some exploring and research before I started classes. I'm leaving out of Richmond, so I don't think I'll be stopping by CrossCurrent before I go. :( Please let me know if you have friends in that area. I still haven't settled on a place to live in the area yet. And also let me know of any good churches or Christian fellowships in the Burbank area. Oh yeah, if you're on the West Coast over the next 6 weeks come visit me. My school is at 3801 Barham Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. I'll still have my cellphone with me so getting in touch with me should be easy.

Turn your website into a Blogger managed site.

Discover the ease of maintaining your website once you turn it into a blogger driven template. I did this for my own website: and now adding new content is a breeze. I started playing with Blogger in 2004 and fell in love with how easy it was to put up new content. The only hard part was creating a template that worked well with all the content I already had on my existing website. Hire me to turn your existing website into a blogger managed site. It could cost as little as $200.00 depending on the complexity of your site. In addition to the main page I'll edit 5 other pages of your site to feed into Blogger. Case Study: YWAM VA ( Their old site was all in flash and very hard to update. Out-of-date content would stay up on their website for months as they waited for benevolent geeks like me to come help them out. Also since all of their text was embedded in the flash document it wasn't getting indexed by Google. For awhile my...

I'm flying back to the US this weekend

I changed my ticket.  My flight arrives Sunday morning at 11:14 am.  By the time I actually get off the plane and get my bags, CrossCurrent will probably be over.  Who wants to pick me up? I got in some quality conversation with God tonight praying on the roof of the YWAM townhouse here in Buenos Aires.  A few things came clear then.  I'm coming home this weekend, and I'm getting ready for the month long acting-for-film workshop I applied to before I left.  New York Film Academy holds workshops monthly at Universal Studios in California.  The one I joined starts March 6, 2006. Pray for my finances; tuition is $2500 and finding a place to stay for a month near Universal Studios could cost $1000 on short notice.  Since I've blown all my savings on app fees and plane tickets and notorized documents from Brazil, this is now a nontrivial sum of money to produce.  Also a bigger prayer request than that is: pray this new training will shift people'...

Well, so much for operation "Back-Door"

I just found out today from the Brasil consulate here in Buenos Aires that can't let me in either. Since the DC embassy won't let me in, none of them will let me in. Chasing after Brasil is starting to get old. If you know anybody who can get me a job in Brazil and a work visa, let me know. The tourist visa isn't going to happen and the volunteer visa doesn't look promising either. Beto sorry I couldn't meet up with you in Brazil. I think you're doing awesome things there in Piratininga and wish I could be a part of it. Hope all goes well with the fundraising for a new base. A few people suggest that God is teaching me patience. I doubt it. I've already accepted God can do whatever He wants whenever He wants with whomever He wants. I'm not special. I'm just like every other schmuck on this planet waiting to arrive at the promised land trying to figure what God wants me to do in the meantime. I don't think God is trying to Job me eithe...