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Showing posts from June, 2005

the latest from Darian Hickman

Praise Reports: Thanks to an anonymous donation my financial support is up to $600 now! Thank you Mr/Ms Anonymous! A childhood friend of mine contacted me out of the blue to let me know he's in Orlando, too.  I haven't seen him since 1997 so hopefully we can get reaquainted next weekend.  He Googled my name and found my address.  God Bless the Internet! The first two groups of students got back from their trips to Key West and Brazil this past Friday.  Seeing how much these young people have matured spiritually gives me more confirmation that I'm in the right place.  I can see the changes in attitude towards their faith and increased priority to follow Christ and it makes the 14 hour days worth the effort. Also Getting 90 minutes a day of prayer and reading is a lot easier than I thought it would be with our 14 hour days.  Being in a community that supports that kind of thing is so awesome! I'm reading a great book called "Intercession: Thrilling and Fulfillin
Some dudes from Mission Adventures: Jonathan, Lee, Ben, Ty (lying down). 

Prayers Answered

I'm in Orlando, serving with YWAM and I wanted to take this time to share all the prayers that have been answered. I prayed to live in a micro-community of missionary minded Christians and that has definitely been answered.  This form of communal living is exactly how it should be.  One community, one mission: it's the way to live!  I got the top bunk in my room and a cool roommate from New York named Ryan.  I have no real privacy and I don't miss it at all. =)  Living life with a Christian team is awesome.  Living with people who understand the need for quiet time with the Bible is awesome. Also I prayed for God to deliver me from the thorns, to deliver me from the distractions dragging me down in my former life and so far that has been abundantly answered.  I have no desire to spend time on TV, video games, movies, or reading news sites.  I spend my entire day focused on my purpose and it totally rocks! Did I mention that I don't have to drive a car either.  Two

Resume for Sao Paulo, Brazil

Christian social entrepreneur looking for opportunities to serve in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Education Graduated May 2001 with B.S. in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, Baltimore, Maryland 21218. Leadership Experience (1) Recruited geek friends to help me build a customized PC for blind friend with profound motion and sensation deficits. November 2002 – Present; (2) Lead and participated in a men's Bible study to help fellow Christians set and acheive their spiritual goals. March 2002 – Present.; (3) Organized investment group with friends from Northern VA and Baltimore to invest in residential properties. Aug 2004 – March 2005; (4) Organized games of Cashflow to help friends and family better understand investing. July 2004 – March 2005. (5) Project Manager, Web Developer, Students Sharing Coalition, Sept 1997 - 2000 (5.1) Founded and directed high school group to address labor rights of developing nations. (5.2) Wrote successfu

I'm in the right place! =)

Well so far the orientation to Mission Adventures here in Orlando is going pretty well. I really enjoy being in a micro-community with a missionary mindset.  I got an initial confirmation Monday that I'm in the right place.  Our group leader Colleen Crawford told us how the churches that sent their youth groups on missions trips through Mission Adventures were incredibly impressed with how their youth matured spiritually in just two weeks.  It was just the confirmation I needed to know that my efforts impacted people well beyond just the brief encounter in the summer.  We ARE transforming people's lives!