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Resume for Sao Paulo, Brazil

Christian social entrepreneur looking for opportunities to serve in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Graduated May 2001 with B.S. in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.

Leadership Experience
(1) Recruited geek friends to help me build a customized PC for blind friend with profound motion and sensation deficits. November 2002 – Present;
(2) Lead and participated in a men's Bible study to help fellow Christians set and acheive their spiritual goals. March 2002 – Present.;
(3) Organized investment group with friends from Northern VA and Baltimore to invest in residential properties. Aug 2004 – March 2005;
(4) Organized games of Cashflow to help friends and family better understand investing. July 2004 – March 2005.
(5) Project Manager, Web Developer, Students Sharing Coalition, Sept 1997 - 2000 (5.1) Founded and directed high school group to address labor rights of developing nations.
(5.2) Wrote successful grant proposal to fund multimedia lab for the homeless.
(5.3) Trained and managed students in renovation of low-income housing with Habitat for Humanity.
(5.4) Designed, built, maintained, managed content, and hosted on my Linux, Apache server.
(5.5) Installed office LAN and maintained office workstations.
(6) Served as Student Government President at Middlesex High School, Saluda, VA. Sept 1996 - May 1997.
(7) Coached youth soccer league (12-14 year olds). Middlesex County, VA. Fall 1994 and Fall 1995.
Volunteer Experience
(1) Performing on CrossCurrent Ministries Drama Team Aug 2004 - Present. (2) Served at a summer bible school in Trinidad on a missions trip with CrossCurrent Ministries. August 2002 (3) Taught computer literacy classes at Greenmount Community Center. Spring 1998. (4) Installed office LAN and maintained office workstations at Faith Christian Fellowship. Summer 2001.

Military Training/Experience
(1) Completed Basic Training for US Marine Corps Reserves. 19 Feb-25 Jul 2004. (2) Assigned and drilling with 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, July 2004 - Present.

Work Experience
Mission Adventures Intern, Youth With A Mission Orlando, May 30- Aug 12 2005 (1) Responsible for training youth groups from various churches how to do overseas missions. (2) Teaching street drama that convey message of the gospels (3) Leading groups in mercy ministry for the homeless.

Technology Management Associates, June 2004 – Apr 2005 (1) Built Java apps and PLSQL packages to transform data from various datasources (xml files, oracle) into oracle tables. (2) Upgraded and maintained JSP based webapps to display timeline and geospatial data. (3) Evaluated additional uses for Microstrategy Intelligence Server. (4) Evaluated usefulness of Informatica for data transformation.

Object Sciences Corporation, Software Engineer, Sept. 2003 – June 2004. (1) Evaluated the best jabber instant messaging platforms for deploying amongst Object Sciences employees and Object Sciences customers. (2) Learned basics of Jboss installation and administration. (3) Learned basics of VMWare ESX server installation and administration. (4) Wrote tutorial on Cities of Information, a situational awareness tool built in-house. (5) Learned Hibernate, an Object to Relational Mapping tool. (6) Learned Apache Ant, a build automation tool for Java development.

ITT Industries, Advanced Engineering and Sciences, Software Engineer, Jan. 2002 – Sept. 2003 (1) Developed multithreaded Java applications using Borland JBuilder to interface with various hardware components in a server rack. (2) Developed Perl scripts to test Java applications. (3) Administered Linux server and network for software team. (4) Trained teammates in Java, Perl, and Linux.

Business Development, D-Fusion, INC, April 2001-July 2001 (1) Researched early adopters for D-Fusion web-mining patents. (2) Developed data-filtering software products primarily in Java with a few scripts in Perl. (3) Made presentations to early stage investors and clients.

Intern Web Application Developer, Visual Multimedia Technologies June 1999-Present (1) Designed and built (e-commerce site) using Mysql and Perl. (2) Helped code and test using MS SQLServer and PHP. (3) Expanded Cold Fusion site for Department of CellBio at Johns Hopkins University.

Intern Web Application Developer, Roanoke Technology Corporation, June 2000-Aug 2000 (1) Helped build B2B bid-management system ( (1.1) Coded in Perl for a Postgres DBMS on UNIX platform. (1.2) Used Javascript heavily for validating and expediting web form input. (2) Built Perl interface to GIMP, a graphics app, for automatically generating images in a template-driven web-hosting application.

Web Developer, Department of Materials Science, JHU May 1998-Jan 2001 Designed and built Demobase a searchable online database of Materials Science demonstrations. Used MS Access DBMS with Cold Fusion interface.

Grunt, Henley's Do-It Center, Sept 1996-May 1997 (1) Manned cash register. (2) Loaded customers vehicles. (3) Ran inventory.

Carpenter, Manifest Construction, Summers of 1993-1997. (1) Installed framing, masonry, windows, and patios for home renovations. (2) Painted interiors and exteriors.

(1) Granted Top Secret Security Clearance (SSBI/SCI), March 2002. (2) Completed CI Poly, September 2004. ?


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