Many have asked and many times I have explained Why Brazil? I am going to Brazil because something is going on down there, and I want in on it. Spiritually there is a huge revival going on down there. Small groups explode into megachurches. People receive prophecy and obey to go on and do great things for God. And more missionaries hail from Brazil than any other country in the world. Here's a few stories that inspired me: One prayer team from Brazil instigated a revival in Goa, India. Stephen Baldwin becomes a Christian because a Brazilian nanny obeyed prophecy. A Brazilian Missionary defies 'The Prince of Peru' to instigate revival in Peru. I believe that when I get down there I'll find mentors to take me into more powerful prayer, into more effective evangelism, and more mission-oriented churches. Essentially my hope for Brazil is that I can find a community who will help me take my faith from applying the wisdom of the Bible to something more personal ......