I saw one of these going uphill in San Fran recently, and realized this was the future of urban commutes. Before seeing this skateboard, I was following the evolution of ebikes but here's why I think e-skateboards could dominate:
1. Bikes are horrible at rush-hour on the metro. Skateboards are much easier to pop out of the way.
2. Using e-skateboard while wearing a skirt is probably easier than using an e-bike in a skirt.
3. If I'm too tired or too long distance, bringing a skateboard on my Lyft is far easier than my e-bike.
Hopefully these features exist on the e-skateboards:
- Regenerative braking. I'd love for the board to cap the downhill speed at 20 mph and use gravity to recharge the battery.
- Spectra seems to have the features I expect like controlling direction and speed with shifting weight.
- Boosted I think is the one that keeps the motor right in the wheel .... awesome clean design and likely the most efficient.
Good job innovators!