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Who wants to rank their confidence in various beliefs?

RankBeliefWhat does it's rank mean. I recently felt inspired to rank in confidence what I believe. I forgot if it was conversation with Dad or me grasping for some clarity. It isn't sorted into topics yet. I'll probably make this more friendly or essay style or something. 
1I think therefore I am.Nothing else can be true or false if this isn't true. Rene Descartes. Everything else in life can be an illusion except for the fact that you are doubting everything. Rene Descartes realized then that the only thing that is absolutely certain is you have to exist to doubt all of reality.
2MathematicsEasy to believe because it's true by definition and logically consistent by design. math exists largely by definition; experientially it has never been wrong for the questions that it can answer. I'm including Set Theory everything most americans were taught in math class in K - 12. Everything I was taught in Calculus. Everything that has a structured thereom proving
2PhysicsThis includes quantum physics which has almost no intuitive understanding and is mostly mathematical in understanding.
2So far the best analysis of the Bible and the Physical Understanding of the Universe is Why the Universe is the Way it IS by Hugh Ross.He's a physicist from Cal Tech and pastor and doesn't have a marketing background
2Failing at acting is way more fun than failing at entrepreneurship. Just had to learn through lots of experience.
3Seek the Kingdom first will and all other things will be added.
3Possessing Joy by Steve Backlundbook that explains a lot
3Jesus lived, taught, performed signs, miracles and wonders, died and came back to life historically not just metaphorically.
3Heaven exists and the goal of Christianity is to help Heaven invade Earth.When Heaven Invades Earth
3Men by design have less empathy than women because that made men more effective warriors and hunters which determined survival for the majority of human existence
3Our biological urges are optimized for reproduction. That's why it's so much fun to make babies even before we're really ready. The desires of the Spirit are optimized for Joy and Peace.
3Jesus has to be more than Santa Claus for adults.
4Be Proactive
4Begin with the End in Mind.
4Put First Things First.
4Seek to Understand Then to be Understood
4Think Win Win
5Trickle down economics is a fraud. Trickle down never happens it just causes inflation in stocks and other investment vehicles
5The era of stable human careers is coming to a close and we have to get more focused on sources of passive income to thrive in the next era.
3The majority of human wants, desires, behaviors can be seen in other primates that make no attempt at pursuing a higher purpose or attempt relationship with a higher power.
3Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Carl Sagan.
2The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People curates the most important paradigms of mankind
2Visualizing Goals really does impact one's goals.
4Lawyers and Politicians should have smaller roles in designing Law and be replaced with Policy Engineers with clear open standards for policy design
Men although less often empathic still can offer a lot of value by sharing their feelings.
3Almost everything in life is getting better on Earth.Almost every large number is going the right direction. Life spans, death from war is going down, child deaths, poverty. The biggest number not going the right direction
4The culture war between conservatives and liberals is mostly fake. Nearly all the money and time spent on the debates could create technology solutions or policy solutions that achieve both goals.
5Burning $400 is more affordable than a personal trainer.
6Most the stuff marketed as retirement accounts is just a way to help wall street types collect fees.


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