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Showing posts from September, 2015

Political Reform Wishlist

I'm getting into more and more political discussions especially with all the GOP debates. Just FYI: I think most of the culture war between conservatives and liberals, rich and poor, socialists and libertarians is completely fabricated for political marketing efforts.  But here's my wishlist for politics: 1. SuperVoucher: Convert all social spending programs on retirement, healthcare, education, student loans into one large simple safety net fund.  Basically give every American an account to spend the money however they need to. The catch: however you spend the money is public knowledge from the instant you swipe the debit card. If you bought pot in Colorado, or a prosthetic leg overseas, or food at a grocery store with your share of the safety net fund it's public knowledge.  Stock investors could use the data for updating stock predictions.  Universities could use the info  for Economic research. CDC could track purchases of medicine to respond early to f...

Who wants to rank their confidence in various beliefs?

Rank Belief What does it's rank mean. I recently felt inspired to rank in confidence what I believe. I forgot if it was conversation with Dad or me grasping for some clarity. It isn't sorted into topics yet. I'll probably make this more friendly or essay style or something.  1 I think therefore I am. Nothing else can be true or false if this isn't true. Rene Descartes. Everything else in life can be an illusion except for the fact that you are doubting everything. Rene Descartes realized then that the only thing that is absolutely certain is you have to exist to doubt all of reality. 2 Mathematics Easy to believe because it's true by definition and logically consistent by design. math exists largely by definition; experientially it has never been wrong for the questions that it can answer. I'm including Set Theory everything most americans were taught in math class in K - 12. Everything I was taught in Calculus. Everything that has a structured thereom p...