New development! Now that I’m done licking my wounds from 2007, it’s time to move forward on the dream. YWAM is offering a course on Business as Mission, essentially how to run companies in a cross-cultural setting, and I’ve been accepted to attend. We’ll be attending lectures taught by entrepreneurs who have been running companies successfully overseas. Part of the 6 week course is in fact a field trip to already successful enterprises. Considering how much talk there is about sharing Christ through business, it will be refreshing to meet entrepreneurs who are actually doing it. I’m headed to Thailand on Jan 24 for the 6 week course. I am hoping and praying that this adventure will lead to deep insight into the world of international business and ministry and possibly some meaningful employment between now and when business school starts in the fall.
The application is all done, thank you Josh and Chris for the recs, now the biggest hurdle is the course fee of $3500 which covers food, lodging, everything but the airfare to Thailand. Fortunately it’s the off season for tickets to Thailand so even this last minute, they are $1200.00. This is a strong move for Village the Game and for clarifying the way that I’m to serve others long term. My big prayer request is that I’m hearing God correctly on this one. Let me know if you’re praying for me. That’s always encouraging.
Play it, love it, live it,
Darian Hickman
P.S. Village the Game is a semifinalist in the Echoing Green Fellowship competition! 350 were selected from 1500 entries and in the next phase they will be narrowed down to 30 social enterprises. Pray for that too!
More on Echoing Green
More on Business as Mission