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Showing posts from August, 2006

Doh! Still in Richmond

Thanks to the Indian Embassy, I missed my flight the other day because I had to retrieve my passport in person from the embassy, nevermind that I sent it in weeks in advance and even paid extra for mailing fees. I haven't done that much and I'm already getting tired of international travel, especially embassies. So wish me luck as I attempt to reschedule my flight today. Things are progressing on Village, and I'm doing a lot of thinking about what next. Business school? Acting school? I definitely want to get back into the university environment. Making things happen with Village and meeting the right people would be a lot easier if I was at Stanford right now. =)

Pray for Kay

One of my YWAM buddies from YWAM Virginia, Kay just found out she has some cysts on her thyroid and a couple of them are probably cancerous. Pray for her complete recovery. She's been in Brazil helping start up a School of Jewish Studies there and is planned to go to Kiev, Ukraine to help with their SJS as well.

All kinds a Village going on

Village Map ... Village Board Game ... Village Demo. I haven't written in a month.... wow! I've been posting mostly on the blog at August has been pretty tame. Lots of emails, lots of phone calls, and just Hezbollah to keep me entertained. Last night I played the most annoying game of chess ever with my friend Josh. Three times I "knew" I had em and of course, it ends stalemate. Punk. I was planning on a trip to California for a quick visit but I don't think that's going to happen. I'm burning through my money too fast and I'll probably be headed back there before winter anyways. Now it's looking like a week in South Carolina at the Zadok House of Prayer. Hopefully I can get recentered before I head off to Kenya on August 29th. Did I mention I was going to Africa? Yep Africa. Everyone's doing it. Why not. After Kenya for a month, Hyderabad, India for a month. Between those two continents I hope to g...