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Showing posts from January, 2004
Someone remind me when I get back to the US to write an essay about ethnocentrism and why I trust God more than my own DNA for choosing partners.
Aresa Biodetection ApS This company has genetically-engineered a weed to change colors when it's roots come in contact with landmines. How cool is that! is an awesome site for Social Entreprenuers I want to recruit other social entreprenuers to help me design a business model. Here are my design goals: Goal Why The business should be owned by a broad base of people. Having a broad base of shareholders means making capitalism accessible to more people. Thus it creates a chance for more people to build wealth and leave poverty behind. Also the voting power of the shareholders will be distributed which inclines the owners to vote in favor of policies that benefit their community since they are the community. People should earn money from the corporation based on how much they bring in. This motivates people to bring money into the corporation and makes the corporation self-sustaining. The success of the corporation should grow based on how well it is serving it customers and its shareholders. This keeps the corporation in line with its ultimate purpose of serving people. All owners should have a vote proport...
Fiber Optics Takes the Long Way Home Telecom infrastructure is the perfect place to initiate large scale cooperatives. This article gives a basic understanding of why traditional mega-corporations are so unresponsive to installing fiber optic cable to improve service to customers. This is just one more example of why we need to make large-scale customer-owned corporations a reality. Capital Power to the People.
Accentuate the Positive I get few opportunities to demonstrate that impatience is a virtue. Here's one from MIT Tech Review. Next time you're on hold, be irritable. :) - Why 'Bottom Up' is on its way up - Jan. 15, 2004 This is awesome summary of how the economy and culture is becoming more distributed. Some of my people's know how I have been ranting about organizations that are making capitalism itself more distributed. You can get a good sample of them at
I'd rather live in world ruled by violence than a world ruled by Muslims A lot of people in the world think that world peace is the ultimate ideal, and I used to be one of them. For a while I thought I had become one of many people who have grown up and had their ideals beaten out of them by reality. But now I realize I'm still idealistic and that I have new ideals. I'm a little more well-informed especially after studying Carl Sagan's Shadows of Forgotten Ancestor's and the Bible. After reading A Case for Faith, by Lee Strobel, I understand the dilemma of free will a lot better. For those of you who want a really entertaining explanation of free will watch Bruce Almighty. Back to my bold statement: Why I'm picking on Muslims. The most famous group of Muslims now is Al Queda. The most famous muslim now is Osama bin Laden the leader of Al Queda. The mission of his group is to promote Muslim governments. Note, the key distinction between Muslim g...
Random Idea: Map all of English to Java. Use classification algorithms I studied in Natural Language Processing to map all english words. Use this to compose really strict philosophical documents, or really structured arguments, if your argument doesn't compile, you have an invalid argument.
BLOGGER - Knowledge Base�-�How To Get A Book Deal With Your Blog Should I become an obsessive compulsive blogger and get a book deal?