For the last week of August, I spent 5 days tending to foster kids at camp organized by Lake Avenue Church and Royal Family Kids Camp . Our entire mission that week was to be the positive, encouraging memories for children enduring childhoods of questionably dark times filled with unknown forms of abuse. I couldn't tell just by interacting with them what they were dealing with in the other 51 weeks of their year, but I do know that when these campers come back next year, they will remember specific conversations they had with us counselors. My primary job was looking after one particular child, “D-man”. Connecting with D-man was new for me. I'm not a parent. I have no pets, not even plants to care for. Being consumed with thinking about another living being for a week straight was completely new to me. D-man is ADD and required the extra herding that comes with not hearing people when they are calling your name. He's quite the "ladies man" a...