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Showing posts from May, 2007

Doing greater things than even Jesus

In the gospel of John, Jesus is quoted " I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." That's a huge promise, doing things greater than the miracles of Jesus. While he was walking around 2000 years ago, he fed 5000 with a few fish and not even a basket of bread, turned water into wine, did all kinds of healing miracles on the blind, the sick, the paralyzed. Today we are doing things even greater through science and thoughtful design. We have technology now that does more than just feed 5000 with a few fish. We can share knowledge and appropriate technology that creates 10's of thousands of new jobs enabling 100's of thousands to feed themselves and their family for a lifetime. One example is Kickstart MoneyMaker Pump. It costs $100 and can help a farmer go from $300 income a year to $3000 a year, creating 10's of thousands of jobs in the proce...

Who wants a job at Kiva?

I just had a chat with the new CTO of Kiva, Sam Mankiewicz, and he mentioned a couple positions open for software engineers. If you got Linux Apache Mysql Php skills and want to be a part of the microcredit revolution definitely check out these job links: .php .php

Visiting Virginia for the end of the Month; and present project: Panango.

Visiting Virginia May 21 to May 30. I'm coming back home to visit the folks and friends in Virginia at the end of the month, May 21 to May 30. Let's catch up for sure. If you guys need any furniture I probably have a living room set to give away. I'm going up to Reston to clean out my condo and get it ready for new tenants. Don't think I'll be selling it after. Actually, I'm just too overwhelmed with Village projects to spreadsheet selling vs. renting the condo. The biggest Village project is called Panango. Read below. A powerful, pragmatic partnership in propagating social enterprise. After a few months of planning and paperwork, we now have Panango, an NGO ready to send students to Papua New Guinea. There Stanford University students will be exploring the needs of villagers while teaching English. Village the Game is working with Panango to model these villages inside the game and explore some of the exi...

Anybody need a some great back up software?

Dear Darian Decarlo Hickman Thank you for choosing Genie-Soft's Genie Backup Manager Home Edition Genie-Soft would like to reach out to your friends, colleagues, family members, and loved ones with a generous offer from you . Just refer to us the email addresses of at least 3 people whom you believe would benefit from owning a utility such as Genie Backup Manager Home Edition. And we'll spread the joy to them by extending a 35% discount on the same software title. So spread the joy by clicking the link below: /Community/GenieFriendlySmile .aspx?cid=MTI5MDgy&pid=Nzc2NDg %3d&prd=14 If this link is not working, please COPY and PASTE the entire link into your browser Not only will that make your friends' day, but also when only 3 of these referrals buy Genie Backup Manager Home Edition, you will get an additional complementary license of (GBM Home) or a free upgrade to the upcoming major version. Your efforts wi...