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Showing posts from January, 2007

Good times with Stanford ACM

I presented to the Stanford Association for Computing Machinery yesterday, and it went incredibly well! I shared with them about Village the Game and all the technical challenges we must face. It was really well received and the audience asked a lot of great questions. I wish I could remember all the questions and put them into an FAQ post. There's some potential for turning some of the tech work into senior projects. We'll see where things lead. :) Here's a link to the Powerpoint slides from yesterday: HTML -> PPT ->

Letter to Editor: Extra $billion well spent

Right now, Congress has an incredible opportunity to continue saving millions of lives in the world's poorest countries by fully funding the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty. The last Congress left nine critical spending bills unfinished and now the new Congress is left with the hard work of deciding our budget for 2007. They're facing tough decisions and at stake is $1 billion vital to continuing to provide clean water, education and life-saving medicines to people in Africa and the world's poorest countries. There are few places in the U.S. budget where dollars translate so directly into lives saved. Without this funding, 350,000 people will not receive life-saving AIDS medicines, nearly 1 million anti-malaria bednets will not be distributed and 120,000 people will not receive treatment for tuberculosis. As a member of the ONE Campaign, I encourage Congress to protect this funding and ensure America's continued commitment to the fight against extreme...

Awesome book: AK-47

I got this for Christmas and learned an amazing amount about the last 50 years of global warfare and how the AK-47 has "democratized" warfare. They're so cheap nearly anyone can afford them so poor guerillas can fight hi tech behemoths causing a lot of drawn out wars with no real winning going on. And crazy enough, Kalashnikov the inventor is still alive figuring how to make money free market style since he never did under his motherland's communist regime.


Education Graduated May 2001 with B.S. in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, Baltimore, Maryland 21218. New York Film Academy. Completed One Month intensive course on acting for film. Burbank, CA. March 2006. Leadership Experience (1) Founded and run to immerse gamers in the the world of social enterprise. April 2006 - Present. (2) Recruited geek friends to help me build a customized PC for blind friend with profound motion and sensation deficits. November 2002 – May 2005; (3) Lead and participated in a men's Bible study to help fellow Christians set and acheive their spiritual goals. March 2002 – May 2005.; (4) Organized games of Cashflow to help friends and family better understand investing. July 2004 – March 2005. (5) Project Manager, Web Developer, Students Sharing Coalition, Sept 1997 - 2000 (5.1) Founded and directed high school group to address labor rights of developing nations. (5.2) Wrote successful grant...

Funny from

I'm in the process of transitioning to blogspot with labels. Theoretically it's way easier and faster but for now it just means a lot of transition work. Oops, I Did It Again, cello style. White and Nerdy Ridiculously funny pictures of cats "BELIEVE" it or not, these are REAL 911 Calls! ... Awesome Toilet???? ... 7 reasons not to mess with children A little gir... Question: What is the truest definition of Glob... LESSON OF THE DAY... NEVER LIE TO YOUR MOTHER B...