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Showing posts from May, 2005

The Next Step of Spiritual Journey: Training Young Missionaries

My spiritual journey began with smashing bricks. Back in eighth grade my friend Chris Kucera came to visit for the first time and noticed how bad our dirt road had washed out leaving a bunch of bricks exposed that someone had put there to back fill the road. He volunteered himself and with a sledge hammer and shovel in hand, we spent the afternoon smashing bricks. Why would something that simple start a spiritual journey? Without Chris or I realizing it, he demonstrated to me the most real act of agape love I had experienced at that age. He chose to solve a problem that was blatantly not his fault or his responsibility. That simple act of service instigated my lifestyle of looking for problems to solve. That lifestyle compelled me to ask what problems are really worth solving, what is ultimately worth doing with my life. By sophomore year of college the answer was commit my life to Christ and solve the problems He wanted me to solve. Chris if you happen to read this, thank you for sma...

Have You Made the Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life?

Have You Made the Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life? Here is an incredibly powerful step every Christian should take in their spiritual growth. I went on a retreat this year the weekend before Easter with my church to go through the process of taking inventory of my sin and repenting of it. My prayer life is stronger than ever now because there is no longer that wall of unrepented sin blocking Him from hearing me.